Greetings my brother.... Receive much greetings from the pastors.. .we had a great time... Then we proceeded to the nearby village to preach to the villages.
Am exhausted but happy.

Venmo: @Matumaini Ministries

My dear brother God is so good. I am coming from Bisil girls school. We had a very good academic meeting with the teachers of the school. They are so happy of good performance from our girls. They recognized our unique mentorship program. They recognized that we are not only mindful of the financial challenges of this girls but of all round needs that they need for them to realize their full potential. They recognized our efforts of having a person contact and relationship with the girls. 
After the staff meeting I meet our girls. They are doing so good... I Am so happy and elated for the big change taking place in their lives. We had good time dreaming and praying together. Some have needs of small things like shirts and shorts and I will be getting back to them next week.
My brother what can we say, we mere human beings on jars of clay, weak vessels are chosen to glorify our Lord. What more honor can we want. God is so good
Pass my love to all and pray that Christ comes to be known by all people we meet
I love you my brother


We had fourteen teams that participated.
 More than 700 hundred people in attendance.
We did prayers and shared the gospel before every match. More than 50 boys and several Mama's in attendance responded to the gospel. The Meto pastors in attendance picked up with the new converts. We presented T.Shirts and shorts to two teams ( no1 and no2) We gave the trophy to the best team and the best player. We paid the referees ksh20000. (Divided by the five referees). The chief of the region participated in encouraging the boys and talking with them. The chief you gave a Bible was very involved and passionate about the youths well-being. Am not sure of his faith in Christ. All in all my brother, Christ was exalted. Am so so grateful and forever indebted.
Thank you all for your love and support. You enabled me get a forum of gathering the youths for the Lord Jesus. Sports is a bait to catch them to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you again and again.
Next match is in August at lenkishon  area.